
Monday 19 May 2014

Your Character

Just for  fun.... took some online quiz...
And find out some interesting result.

As we all know, this character is from Lord of the Ring. And... to be honest, she isn't my fave character. I'd prefer Eowyn than her, eventhough Arwen is pretty.

Do you remember this girl from Harry Potter serial?
Well, this one fit with me in several thing. I'm obviously not Hermione whose very dilligent, or Harry who always able to take a risk. 

Hahah, this Hogwarts house not really popular huh? (compare with Gryffindor and Slytherin). But there is Cedric Diggory. Although I don't like Cedric either   :)
But Hufflepuff''s value quite nice.

I got Optimus Prime. Huahahah.... I'm not that good. Well, you see the power and intelligence meter above. Optimus has full intelligence. While me?.... errrr.... I don't think so   :)

This character from Sherlock Holmes. He is Sherlock's brother. There is similarity between Optimus and this Mycroft, they're leader. I'm not considering myself as a leader, the only thing I know is I'm the eldest daughter. About calculating and cool headed... ooh, I wish I do! because, sometime being cool-headed is difficult.

All this quizzes is just for fun, don't take it too serious, okay?

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